He also had another hit before these two called The Rapper. This sappy parody might be better than Donnie’s version though. I just thank the reality show gods that he’s not shacked up in a house with Gary Busey, Betty White, Linda Carter and Slash somewhere. On second thought, that might be a helluva show.
Ok, so what have we learned? 1) I spend way too much time accidently discovering information about people nobody cares about anymore. 2) If you have Gary Busey and any four people, you have a reality show. 3) Some brand is going to now take The Rapper and use it for their NEW Chicken Fiesta Wrap spot.
And what about Love is Like a Rock? Diamonds, what else.
*Who doesn’t?
Tags: Donnie Iris, Ah! Leah!, Love Is Like a Rock
OMFG! OMFG! Ah Leah and Love is Like a Rock being two of my flashback weekend favorites - then again, I am old enough to have LOVED them when they were new. Still rocking the frames. Wicked.
But now, he’s sporting a more sensible middle-aged frame.
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