Is Wisconsin the only state still playing Donnie Iris on FM? Good thing I brought diapers with me to make up some of the two hours lost going through Chicago on a major holiday weekend–at 4:00 pm. On second thought, mullets on women in Toledo aren’t half-bad. Oh look, the state car of PA: the dark teal Ford Escort wagon. Nicely compliments the deer carcass on the roof. (Optional on 2002 and up models.) Hey, NJ and NY drivers both welcoming me back at the state line with open arms, swerving and veering.
Better yet, that teal Ford Escort deer must have been bagged illegally, as it's not deer season in PA. It is, however, crow season (weekends only).
Ahhh, useless knowlege, how I love thee....
True. This is the cumulative recollection of having driven that PA segment at various times during the year.
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