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Friday, January 4, 2008

Where were they now–SNL’s top 50.

“Gilbert Gottfried–Still working somewhere.” That has to be the best caption in this SNL TOP 50 Where Are They Now list from But hey Gilbert, how bad are things when your picture won’t even show and they forget your current Affleck duck VO work? (Hey Mr. Duck, who’s career’s doing worse than Gottfried’s? AFFLECK’S!) More importantly, who wrote the captions? “Chris Rock: Big-name comedian.” Yep, he obviously is, but then why would you need the ‘Big-name’ part if everyone knows him? Hafta admit though I did not know Jeanine Garofalo was ever on the show. Now, go kill five minutes.



RFB said...
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RFB said...

That was sort of depresssing. All those smug cokeheads in their glory days, and very few of them still relevant. Piscopo? Yuck.

Oh, and some captions were wrong.

Phil Hartman's should've read: "Shot in the head by psycho wife while he slept."

Chevy Chase: "Not funny anymore."

Dan Ackroyd: "Same"

Dana Carvey: "No market for George Bush I impersonators anymore."

David Spade: "Trying to keep up the snark, but keeps getting axed."

Martin Short: "Plays the occassional spaz for a few bucks."

Jim Belushi: "A nobody who got the gig because his brother died and everyone wanted to hang on to that memory. Still milking it."

Unknown said...

Yeah, Garofalo didn't make a huge impression on the show. But she was in one of my most favorite skits ever... the Japanese game show bit with Chris Farley.