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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Speaking of happy messages about kids.

It may not hit people without kids the same but this 2005 PSA still running for Project Safe Neighborhoods from Mullen is sad as hell. Thing is, it tries to send two messages though: Kids dying is bad, and teens should think before they kill kids. The ‘Do the crime/family does the time’ theme has been done since, which is fine, but it seems to soften the impact of the first message where parents are helpless to protect their kids from dying. (I like the simple camera tricks of missing car seat kid or young kid going into police car > cut to teen.) As a parent, even though you have close calls, I can’t ever imagine losing a child. Still, it’s gotta be far more devastating than losing one to jail for making a stupid decision. In the case of the latter, at least they’re still alive.

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