Good. Here’s the site for you then because the Ronaldo love is flowing fierce there. See, he’s like A-Rod that way—you just have to not like him for some reason. (Maybe it’s the one name thing?)* Click the image though and see how others feel. As for the *digital* integrated experience, while aggregating the streams of social nets is the new (blank), there’s no scrolling forward or backward, and if you miss something, too bad. Ironically, the touch he has with the ball is missing from the Facebook and Twitter links because it’s hit or miss there as you try to click the text, ftf.** Oh, and did someone say MySpace and YouTube? Yep, he’s there. He’s only got over six million followers across all four networks! (Which, will all collectively crash in a massive fail wail of misery when Portugal gets bounced by Spain.)
Did I mention I hate Ronaldo?
(Site design: Lightmaker.)
*Pele. Shit, there goes that theory.
**For the fail.
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