advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Make your own Tide to Go commercial.

Upload it yourselfers, just go here for details and your spot might be seen on TV! Geez, already? This may be the first national brand to react so quickly to the popularity of its own spot. The UCG component is once again controlled as you are strongly encouraged to only use their media, taglines, etc. The other thing is that while I dig the effort to capitalize on the moment, a reaction or spoof like this has to happen naturally—you can’t force it. Don’t Tase Britney Alone or a Tom Cruise spoof happen when you least expect them.

It’ll get hits though. Who doesn’t like talking stains.

Previous YouTube prize fun:
1) Hanes. 2) Axe. 3) Novartis. 4) McDonald’s. 5) Tiger Balm. 6) Miss Horrorfest 2007. 7) Nesquik. 8) Puma. 9) LG. 10) Lions For Lambs. 11) Samsung. 12) Casio. 13) Swiffer. 14) Turbo Tax. 15) Nature’s Valley 16.) Sprite.


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