advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

DVD covers - the new LPs?

Soccer and DVD covers. Where’s this going? I’ll let ya know when I figure it out.

First, DVD covers. Gone are the days of massive point-of-purchase real estate for designers to showcase their skillz like you’d see on LPs. (Vinyl for the old-school out there.) For the new school, those were round black things that spun, but were read by needles, not lasers. Oh forget it.

So as I find myself getting ready for World Cup action recently, I was looking for soccer movies. As I did, I thought about the shrinking real estate that’s now left for artwork, and how DVD covers are probably the only thing today we see, besides one-sheets at the movies, that now have the duty of grabbing our attention. Vinyl covers had that effect, but now on CD, the impact of Steely Dan’s Asia cover is just not the same. (Which by the way was my third album owned, and yes I still have it, along with my first and second.)

And what better DVD to cover both topics than with than Victory. Is there a soccer movie with a more perfect Hollywood-ending? A better cover? A better use of Sly Stallone and Michael Caine forming a V FOR VICTORY PEOPLE?

If there is, I haven’t seen it.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Best show on TV returns tonight.

Is it as important as melting polar ice caps? Nope. But, if you like my wise-ass sense of humor, Denis Leary has more where that came from. Rescue Me is the best show out there right now. Forget Lost. Forget House. Forget 24. FX channel. 10 pm tonight ad bitches.

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SubLYMONal eye candy.

Until this weekend, I thought Scion was doing a decent job with the eye candy factor with spots in movie theatres and on TV, until I saw the spot for Sprite from Crispin Miami that shortens the Obey Your Thirst campaign to simply, Obey. I also got a direct mail piece with nothing but a url on it for ‘Do U Have The Proof?’ I think the Sprite has an actual message more so than Scion does, but hey, they both look good. And that’s what counts these days, right?

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Pass, pass, pass the cold Coors radio spot to someone else.

So Fred throws up the Bat signal about the lack of good radio, and who comes along to prove his point? Really trying hard here not to be an asshole, but if anyone can explain to me how the latest Coors spot deserves to be on the radio, I’ll have George Parker send you $50. Damn if I can find it to give you a link though. It must already be in the CRP (Creative Relocation Program) so nobody makes an attempt on its life.

If you haven’t heard it, it’s a large group of friends, I’m guessing in a bar, (duh), singing, “Pass, pass, pass the cold Coors Light.” But it’s sung to the tune of what sounds like it wants to be “Take me out to the ballgame” on meth. Then the fun begins as the singers pass off lyrics to one another in their own unique styles. Purposely out of tune. Purposely out of synch. Sweet. Only problem is, the people obviously can sing, yet they have them trying to sing like rejects from the first week of American Idol.

I don’t get it.

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Speaker from hell. And other assorted train spotting.

Three days off from the Speaker From Hell.™

Everyday at 8:45 am, on the last stop before I end my sojourn, the engineer feels the need to blast, at shuttle-engine db levels, a :45 second clip of any song he sees fit. These might include but are not limited to, Ticket To Ride from The Beatles or Voodoo Child from Jimi. But yesterday’s was so scary I forgot what it was. Starland Vocal Band comes to mind.

But it’s not all about the music, is it. Here’s a few more train spotting things I’ve taken to naming:

Stand-up Reading Lady® - She’s three stops from her stop, but she just has to stand by the door and read the same damn book, never looking up as people pass. And if someone fails to close the door, no worries mate. She’ll reach out with one hand and close it for ya. That’s right – without looking up.


We know this man, and we hate him. We know his cousin: the guy in the background of most sporting events on TV calling someone to tell them what we already know: “Hey look, I’m on TV!”

Random Buds® - Weekly, I will kick or knock over empty beer cans left behind, but never single cans. Strangely, I find myself now thinking that there must be a beer for every beer out there, a beer soul-mate, if you will. (Note to self: register

The Roamer® - This species usually is male, in their 50’s, could be on a day off, or just takes the train so his wife doesn’t find out he lost his job. Scratch that. He’s coming this way. No way he’s married. Has at least one shopping bag with something heavy causing him to lean hard to port. And he does this as he goes from car to car.

Not to mention ‘that smell.’

Grandpa Ticket® - If Wilford Brimley never went into acting, I swear this is his twin who’d be collecting your $7 fair and dispensing wisdom like “Nope. The Express is the only way into Penn.” 40 days out from retiring. Old-school who has zero tolerance for dayworkers without tickets, feet on seats, or young punks, punk.

I’ll Get There When I Can Guy™ - A special breed. Still angry at the judge for taking his license on that DUI, that he’s now going to take it out on the rest of us. How? By waiting in his car until the train pulls up, then sauntering, not hustling, but sauntering to the train with coffee in hand as he turns to wave good-bye to Anna Nicole Smitten. While we watch – and wait.

Can’t Wait To Have a Cigarette Guy® - For some reason, this guy has major sunburn. You rack your brain wondering if the Yankees or Mets were playing today. Then you think, wait, it’s only 8 in the morning – where’d it come from. But you people came for the cigarettes. Of which he has one above his ear, while he talks to his buddy in that 5-pack a day voice: “Yankees. Christ! No pitching.” Then he sprints off the rain at his stop to light up.

And if I had to label myself?

Back Of The Train Guy® - This guy heads to the last row whenever possible, ignoring the humanty around him.

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Friday, May 26, 2006

Tiny Kiss - the ultimate Kiss tribute band.

Not to be confused with MiniKiss, this may be one of the most unique tribute bands out there. The backstory alone sounds like something right out of the WWE.

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Weekly What The...?

Enron Founder Lay 'Shocked' at Conviction – In what alternate universe do these guys live?
Oprah to write book on weight control – Isn’t that what she uses her show for? (Buzzpatrol)
Dutchtub – Those whacky Dutch. (Coolhunting.)
Random Lunchbox – Us whacky Americans.

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Soccer rant time - Nike does it again.

SPOILER ALERT: This is about soccer. So if you hate the sport? Well, read on anyway. But it won’t be pretty. Just sayin’.

So ok, soccer freaks like me are getting ready to stay up late, lose sleep and throw stuff at the TV. First though, Nike rolls out its ‘Beware’ campaign. Guys, Please. Two words: Bode Miller and Kobe Bryant. Because in my twisted fan-logic way, I view self-important ads as having a whacky effect on game mojo. Considering how The Lakers and Us Ski Team did this year when it counted, this may just be a hat trick where the US exits early in group play.

Thanks Nike.

The US team needs to win consistently against the world’s best before you have them chest thumping and talking shit. All of a sudden I hear Woody Harrelson in my head repeating over and over: “...look good and lose rather than look bad and win.”

Maybe WK and Nike should instead focus their efforts on Bruce Arena and help him figure out how to come up with a creative game plan. Is that a 4-4-2 I see? Wow. Sweet. Only he could elevate the NFL’s prevent defense to an art form and call it offensive soccer. Tip to spice things up: they’re called overlapping runs - look into it.

Oh, and did I mention shuffling line-ups constantly as he tries to figure out a mix that plays together well? More better brilliant from Bruce. And hey now, why not stop grabbing MLS players just two weeks before they go before they are to play for the National Team?

Several people have told me that he’s done a lot for the National team and it’s in better shape because of his efforts. I disagree. The talent pool got better - not the coaching. Ironic that Landon is the lead figure in the campaign, especially when it was Arena who inexplicably limited his playing time during Donovan’s first World Cup experience years ago.

Especially when the team could have used his speed. In his limited PT, he was absolutely the fastest player on the pitch who teams had no answer for, yet, he sat for most of the games.

But I digress.

Nike, Nike, Nike. Remember: the rest of the world laughs at the US national team and the quality of soccer in this country, no matter what the campaign says. Only the team has the power to change that, not a cool outdoor. I’m old-school on this: until they overcome that hurdle, act like you’ve been there before and save the metaphorical, proverbial, theoretical, and etc-cettera-cal fucking endzone dance until we win it all.

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

More ad stuff to retire.

Since I already covered a robust list of ad words to retire, I want to expand it to include general ad things to retire. Some people hate clowns. Others hate mimes. My latest peeve is the sound of a beer being poured into a glass in any radio spot.

Can’t explain it. Can’t figure it out. Don’t want to. Not gonna try. I just hate that sound. I know, how the hell are you supposed to show beer on the radio. You don’t. But I don’t care about that right now.

Someone will figure it out though. Crispin will probably have a radio spot for some beer in a month where the VO goes: ”See this bottle?” and win a shitload of awards. Again. (And if they do, I want partial credit.)

But for now, that sound is an aural irritant on par with fingernails on a chalkboard.

There. I said it.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Who stands to lose more - Nike, WK or Kobe?

Since Shaq has his Heat deeper in the playoffs while Kobe sits on the sidelines, and I’m going on about three hours sleep again, I’m throwing this out there. It could get messy kids. Hold on tight.

A while back, there were heated discussions and gushing over Kobe’s spot from WK, the one where he basically admonished us that we ‘hate him’ because of his skillz. Now as then, I beg to differ.

know the reason I disliked his attitude, and it wasn’t due to the mad skillz I recognize he has. WK and Nike pushed Bode Miller on us in the Olympics. Yeah, they’re WK, smart, brilliant, all that and who am I.

But I’d say the same thing today to them if they ran another self-serving campaign about an athlete designed to change our public opinion of them, and I was in the room brainstorming the idea with them.

Which leads to the point:

Who gets hurt more when an athlete doesn't perform up to expectations they themselves lay out before us in these spots: the brand, the agency, or the athlete?

Sure as shit ain’t Nike. They'll wake up tomorrow making as many shoes as they do today – and selling just as many.

And it sure as shit ain’t WK. They’ll wake up tomorrow writing as many award-winning ads as they always have.

So that leaves the athletes. Sure I think Kobe and Bode were and are over-over-over-exposed. And it may appear I’m doing a 180 and defending Kobe. I am – to a degree.

Ultimately, while they’re all free to choose what endorsement deals they go after, they also bear the brunt of our negative rap in the court of public opinion, while Nike rings up sales.

It’s just the nature of the lifestyle brand beast, but maybe Nike shouldn’t escape so easily. When you market sports and lifestyle gear, you usually end up with athletes or celebrity peeps hawking something and being the latest ‘it’ for the brand. The lightening rod for everything we hate or love in sports. Cheered for a buzzer-beater, yet vulnerable to the fallout when it rims out.

But should the agency escape the negative feedback? (And it could be any agency, not just a WK.) We applaude or boo whoever is placed in front of us. Human nature. But who puts the Kobes of the world out there in the first place.

Sure as shit ain’t us.

Thing is, Nike’s not just another consumer product, such as Pepsi. If there’s a product-tampering scare, Jay Mohr doesn’t stop getting movie offers. But people will stay away from the Pepsi section in 7-11 – in droves. That directly affects the brand.

When Bode hits 24 flags racing downhill, people still buy products with a swoosh on them, because he’s the product, not the shoes. The brand escapes scorn – and prospers.

And maybe Kobe should direct his anger towards Nike and WK for helping put him out there on stage. Sometimes I wish he’d just sell me a Pepsi rather than a reason for why I don’t ‘understand’ him.

Guess I’m also pissed Eddie the Eagle never got a shoe deal.

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Okay, it’s Hockey Monkey Time.

In keeping with this week’s seemingly endless monkey theme, I’m throwin’ out a little hey now to my boy on tha’ skins, Mat O of The Zambonis, North-America’s favorite all-hockey band. Currently, their song Hockey Monkey is #1 on Sirius Radio’s AltNation Channel 21, ahead of such groups as Jack White’s Raconteurs and Artic Monkeys. So if you subscribe, feel free to vote early and vote often: 1-877-33-SIRIUS.

Listen to some of their stuff here, or don’t be cheap and go buy it bitches. They may be also the only band I know to record a Johnny Cash hockey song. That’s what I said people. Johnny Cash.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Everybody crazy ‘bout a sharp-dressed mime.

I hate mimes. Who doesn’t. But this new Virgin Mobil campaign from Mother NY aims to change that and give them a voice. Wild postings, website the whole nine yards. Even a million mime march and a cool Mimulator. (Other protest photos here.) Hate it, love it, whatever. I’m not hatin’ since I know the CD on it. Actually though, if I thought it sucked, I wouldn’t have even posted it.

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

It’s Monkey radio time people.

Freelance Fred talks about a lack of quality radio spots these days, save for the Real Men of Genius campaign. Now you already know the Monkey spots I swear by from R-west, but I was reminded of a funny radio spot they did also. Found it here, and it’s a great parody of those self-serving OnStar ads. The ones where what they should say is “Screw the towtruck - call my lawyer and send gauze. Now!”

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Monkeys Gone Wild II

Rescued from watching Point Break for the third time in a row on Fox Movie Channel, George Parker saw my Bat Monkey signal - and has responded. Check out a clip of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore as a monkey bartender and customer from youtube. After listening to it, I’d have to agree with his evaluation that they probably really were shitfaced when they recorded it.

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A simple request.

Having kids, I bitch about a lot of stuff, but I’m thankful the most I need to worry about is whether they pick up their rooms or not. For other parents I know like Ace, (a copywriter I worked with), they would kill for that chance. That’s because autism affects more children now than ever before, taking away any chance at that normal life. Check out this upcoming event for Autism Speaks. See what you can do. Maybe even pass it on to others, if only to build more awareness.

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Gimme Your Stuff.

Cool concept from rikki down under. (No boomerang jokes either, ad bitches.) She started a blog where people can basically exchange care packages containing things local to the sender, mostly food, but any schwag will do. I just did one with someone in Austin in exchange for some East coast representin’ attitude. Here’s what I got in mine: barbeque and chipotle sauces, tex-mex cookbook, and my fav, religious-themed soap. That’s what I said. Soap with the baby Jesus.

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Funky old-school site time.

Jack White’s new site for The Raconteurs. A cool retro interface look. Thanks to Scott over at Media Orchard, who I agree with when he says this may be the coolest site since 1982. Or at least since Al Gore invented the internet. Now I’m in the mood for Tempest and Asteroids, people.

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Apes Shown to Be Able to Plan Ahead.

Ok, now just stop it. Chimp stories are breeding like rabbits.

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Co-branding idea.

On the way in this am I saw a unique branding opportunity. Seems like one of NJ Transit’s finest conductors saw fit to slice a Jet Blue wall poster horizontally and insert train schedules into the slot. (If I can grab a pic of it, I will.) But, hmmm, not a bad idea actually. Mix two different brands in one category, (travel), and, in one piece. Where else could we take this concept of cutting up ads?

Well, after channeling copyranter, the guru of consumer-generated ad crits, I came up with Levitra and Trojans. Free samples of condoms stuck into posters. The couple in the ad seem to like it. And it’s a Russian ad because that’s all I could find on Google this late. But does it really matter? Viagra and Levitra ads are the same the world over. They suck.

But this execution has legs baby. Da! Add your own brand combos to the list.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ads that suck - and work.

What are we doing here people. Winning awards? Moving product off the shelf? Both? Trying to do both? Of course it’s always the latter, right? I thought about this yesterday as I was riding NJ Transit’s spiffiest rail coach and saw the same ad I’ve seen almost every day, (for Heritage For The Blind).

I’m sure they do great things for the blind. But man, talk about feelings of total guilt on the ride home as I stare at a blind kid. Nice. Only thing missing was the tagline that told me I’d end up in hell if I looked away. (Oh I’m going, but not for that.) And I like shock value, don’t get me wrong. See the topic here of PSA work that pushes the limit creatively. This isn’t about guilt though. The ad reminded me of some past work that was absolutely suck-ass, but, damn if it wasn’t effective.

For anyone not familiar with him, the second example above is Bob. Bob runs Bob’s Discount Furniture, naturally. What else would a Bob run. Originally, he started in CT, but his demon seed is now spreading across the Northeast like bird flu. His infamous call to action is an all-in-one late-night used car dealer shout and wave: ‘COME ON DOWNNNNNN!’

If all you have to spend is $399, Bob’s your uncle and Bob’s your guy. Sofa. Loveseat. Chairs. Tables. Lamps. Children. Pets. Get them all for one low price. The ads are everywhere. And you know what? They work.

He became the number one discount furniture guy because people came on down. Screw the Clio. Bob moved product. Lots of it. Later ads would have him tone down the shouts, but, that to me is usually a sign of a new agency coming on board and trying to reshape the image of a client who made it big. (Even though that image is one the agency hates for being too tacky, and is actually what got him his success.)

So what are we doing here people? What’s the real purpose of advertising? It seems clients like Bob are clueless when it comes to what looks good, which drives creatives nuts. But the Bobs of the world do know a thing or two about marketing. Which we creatives are supposed to know a thing or two about as well. The problem comes when the world of effective suckitude crosses paths with cool ad creative. A coincidence that both Bob and PT Barnum call CT their home? Doubtful. This way to the furniture egress.

Tangental to the topic, but I’m not against CEOs doing their own ads either, even if they’re safe spots like with Scott Blum or vacuum guru James ‘I don’t need no stinking ad agency’ Dyson. The simple and quiet ads work as effectively as Bob’s. Will they win awards? Hell, anything’s possible. But if they do, the world should stop rotating.

And yet, I doubt they could care less. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about moving product... or is it? One thing’s for sure, next time I think about donating my car, guess what ad I’ll remember.

Informal pop quiz, hotshots: Bob was your client forever. His billings would allow you to have your dream home, vacation at the Cape and it put your kids through college – yet you would never win an award. Would you say yes? Because there are some agency peeps in CT living that dream thanks to Bob. (For the record, my answer is no. I’m too shallow to pass on a shot at a Clio.)

And don’t even get me started on Tom Carvel.

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Monday, May 15, 2006

George Foreman for Viagra.

That’s about the only thing I haven’t seen the guy hawk. I was looking for some samples of bad ads for a rant but oddly enough, George kept popping up, so I’ll wait until tomorrow to go off on my ‘manager’s special’ topic. But based on some initial hits on Google images, I just may actually be able to cover a little of it today with a Flowbee reference. Maybe it’s all those kids of his named George that keep him working. Either that, or HBO doesn’t pay that well.

(From left: Meinke, George Forman Grill, Casual Male, RMS Banking and yes, the Flowbee.)

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Random Stuff Friday.

Ok, trying out another way to sum up some of the madness encountered this week. As Beastie Boy Adam would say, “Hey, why is there a picture of Andy Kaufman there?” Because it’s random, that’s why. Then he’d get on tha mic and say: “!” Kick it:

Over at valleywag, they have the Snacky or Flacky contest running its final laps. Voted, but then stopped myself from using Blogalicious. Figured someone already invented it. Voila. ..... Over at Media Orchard, I may just have found what could be an idea for a new Fox reality show, apparently modeled after The Donny’s: When Egos Attack (the fun is in the comments section kids, trust me) ..... One of the flock here at MTLB, Maulleigh, has a depreciation of Comic Sans matched only by my disdain for Brush Script ..... And fucking Mack hit it dead-on right here with what makes a CD ..... For George, a fellow Brit Thomas Dolby speaks out on what makes Tom Cruise say the things he does ..... And because I’m in the mood to give stuff away, an easy one for the flock here: A FREE! That’s right, a FREE! mix CD to anyone who can tell me what the two very real brands were that my Seinfeld Fruitcake Creative Brief theory below referred to, and what the actual resulting creative was for each fake brief. (Hint: it may not have been a tangible ad either.) Post all your guesses in that thread and list the music genre you most listen to also. All correct guesses will have the vault to the MTLB music library opened for them. And fear not music freaks, I can bring it in pretty much any genre, from Monk to Moby to Metallica. And I will...*

*Dealer’s choice though. Some restrictions apply. All models may not be available at all locations. See retailer for rules. Do not use if you are pregant or are thinking about becoming pregnant while operating heavy machinery.

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Go here. New take on an old campaign from Goodby. More milk found here. (Thanks Zeke.)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

In search of the elusive creative brief.

With a nod to Leonard Nimoy, Scamp beat me to this topic. On the train home tonight, there I sat looking out the window, when I saw what appeared to be a large creature with an actual creative brief in its hand, er paw. Ironic that Bigfoot would have one because God knows I haven’t seen a good one in a long time, if ever.

Oh, I’ve heard they exist. But has anyone else actually seen one in captivity? Its characteristics: has been known to mention brand postitioning, hints at a USP, maybe has some relevant data on the target market that would allow us to soar to new creative heights. Instead, we grab the damn thing and call the client ourselves.

What most creatives get is a domestic brief that would die if released into the wild. Its main characteristics? It acts like a spec sheet as it features physical dimensions for how big the thing to be designed should be. Subsequent horizontal lines run vertically down it’s bright white surface. Lines where pertinent info should go, but said info is nowhere to be found.

Ironic that account teams who hate white space in a layout leave so much of it in a brief.

Then you say, hmmm, what about maybe listing one or two consumer touchpoints and a positioning statement from the brand? The voices in your head go “Shhhh, you worry too much.” Then, the job of filling in what planners and account teams should have is left to me and my partner. At the 11th hour. Like last night. Before today’s presentation.

I’m sure top agencies all have killer planners where this never happens, and I’d love to hear from you all about your experiences, but that’s not been mine.

So I have a theory. I call it the Seinfeld Creative Brief Fruitcake Theory. (SCBFT for short. SCAB works just as well too.) As you may know, Jerry Seinfeld did a joke in his routine about there being only one fruit cake in the world that gets passed around to everyone. No new ones were ever made.

Life was good.

And this applies to creative briefs. The SCAB theory says there are only two known creative briefs circulating. So good. So amazing that they are passed around now in attempt to have agencies recapture their ‘magic.’ Briefs so good they’re like a Bic pen - they work first time every time.

I can only imagine what they must have said to the creatives who first viewed them, as anyone who has seen them might have temporarily lost their eyesight - yes they were that powerful. (Think Vincent in Pulp with his golden suitcase.) Let’s cut to the most important part of the briefs:

“...People want change. We need to alter the way the masses of office workers slaving away on their computers think. Wake them up from their drone mentality in an unforgettable way. Some how, some way, forever change the landscape of technology and how people regard personal computing. We need to introduce a revolution in computing...”

Followd by...

“...The country is on a health kick. We need to get the casual runner, the casual athlete more involved and responsible for their own health. To get them to stop making excuses and get off the couch. To just go out and do it...”

Now those aren’t the real briefs, but you know the brands without me even having to mention their names. Imagine having that to work with every day. I can, because I don’t. But hey, I’m not bitter.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Bag o’ wires let me down.

It’s late. All-nighter late. Couldn’t even post today because I’m still on an insane deadline for 2:00 pm tomorrow afternoon. So at 3:50 am, when your walkman dies and you’re looking for an AC adapter, where do you turn? That’s right:

Bag o’ wires.

Every guy has one. Any guy says he doesn’t, well, he just ain’t... a guy. It’s what defines us. That, and power tools. But tonight, my bag failed me. After 10 minutes sifting through the ethernet orgy encased in plastic for said adapter - nothing. Nada. Nunca.

There is not a creative alive who does not need tunes played insanely loud to get them through a deadline. Nada. Nunca. So now, I am listening to iTunes at insanely low levels so as not to wake the family. Hardly enough mojo to get through the rest of the night either. And all because my bag o’ wires let me down.

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Saturday, May 6, 2006

Thomas Dolby’s mea culpa - what brands can learn.

You know what time it is. Long-ass weekend rant time.

Saw Thomas Dolby last night. Visually cool with funky camera work similar to the way Peter Gabriel used video on Secret World Live, not to mention his re-mixed song catalog. Dolby’s computer set-up has to be perfectly timed or everything will be out of sync. (Here’s his audio set-up and his video rig for the geeks like me out there. Intense.)

Thing is, it got out of sync almost immediately after he started his first song. Reading his blog for some time though, I knew this could happen, as he had discussed the tour and some of the problems with fans on a daily basis.

So when it happened, it was what came after that was more amazing, because I’ve never seen anyone really do this, let alone a brand. He stops the show. Apologizes, then calls a roadie out with a box full of T-shirts and throws a few out to the audience. “Every time we make a mistake, you guys get shirts.”

Funniest thing I ever saw. Was it curing cancer? No. It was just a little gesture that went a long way to repairing goodwill – before anyone booed.

Of course we all didn’t get them, and I’m not suggesting Pepsi throw me a t-shirt when I happen to get a flat soda from 7-Eleven. But the main thing is he acknowledged the goof, then set out to repair the damage to the customer almost immediately. It totally chilled the room out and the good vibe was restored. That’s right. I said vibe people.

And it could apply to any brand.

Tahoe, are you listening? Come out and say, “We know people hate SUV’s, but we just thought we could have people share in our message with consumer generated mayhem. Do they? No. They’re too in love with the sound of their own brand to think anyone could possibly have a problem with their product. Look at the fallout.

Ford. Come out and say “You know what? Things are tough for us right now. We let go a lot of people to try and save the company. Hard thing to do, but we had to it.” Do they? No. Instead, we get a fucking muppet named Kermit at the Super Bowl.

Nearly all brands that make mistakes shouldn’t wait for customers to call them on it. Come out and acknowledge it before we do. This morning I caught a relevant post on consumer satisfaction over at adverb. A story also notable for what happened after. (Granted, that was in reaction to a specific complaint, but a cool story nonetheless.) Mr. Dolby’s reaction is slightly different in that he actually got out in front of a potential customer satisfaction problem before it became one.

Regardless, both stories show how brands can do more to take care of their customers by just coming clean rather than pretending everything’s just fine.

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Friday, May 5, 2006

Happy Cinco de...

...Mayan. Have a Mexcellent day.

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Chernobyl graffiti.

Some stuff I find looks cool. Some looks haunting. This is both. Found at anewyorkthing. (They always have cool shit.)

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Weekly What The...?

Anti-Tom Cruise Home Ultrasound Picture Ban – Not sure he qualifies for this category anymore. Anything he does seems to be written exclusively for WWT...? Cruise is gold people. Absolute gold.
Chef to serve year in jail in stabbing incident – Chef rage? Road rage eat your heart out. (Via Fark.)
When you play Wagner backwards, it goes, "I LOVE SATAN – See, heavy metal IS evil. (Via boingboing.)

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Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Die spam, die.

Over at adverb, Mack got hit today, as we all have at one point. Spammers are the internet equivalent of parking lot door dingers. Guess I wouldn’t mind so much if the writing was at least better than the Police Academy movies. But the bigger thing is after screwing up your blog, does anything ever really happen to them? Doubtful. Which puts me in a Vincent Vega Pulp Fiction kinda spam-control frame of mind. As Mr. Tarantino himself wrote with just a wee bit of liberty on my part:

No trial, no jury, straight to execution.

It’a been worth him doing it, if I coulda just caught em, you know what I mean?

It’s chicken shit. What’s more chicken shit than fuckin with a guy’s blog? You don’t fuck another man’s blog. That’s against the rules, you don’t do that.

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Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Dude, yer gettin’ a Mac.

New spots from Apple here. Well, so much for my theory that recent Apple work is on par with Nike’s. Trying to recapture that old understated feel using reviews of the new Mac. The actor playing the Mac guy, Justin Long, is funny in his movies. But as for the spots? Too mellow Apple, I mean, dude.

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Monday, May 1, 2006

Random act of logo.

All pay heed: is there any logo or package more perfect than the one for the Boyer Mallow Cup? More perfect than that even? Their website. So um, incredible is it, that here is my open offer to Boyer: Because I would not be where I am today without the aid of the most perfect food known to mankind, I will redesign the site for free in exchange for a lifetime supply of Mallow Cups.

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Weekly What The...?

Shoelaces for Chucks – (Via aNYthing.)
Animal costumes made from ski-gloves, flippers, tights, etc. – (Via boingboing.)
The Beerbelly – stealth beverage container – Why? (via gizmag.)
Woman, 62, Fights $1,431 Cable Porn Bill – just admit you watched and let's move on. (Via

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