advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Whatever happened to bad taglines in movies?

Gone forever? Like the drive-in and nasty-ass intermission snack bar pizza, is the Roger Corman style of writing movie taglines so-bad-they’re-good a thing of the past? These days we get heavily photoshopped images of Mr. Cruise and his name at the top. If we’re lucky, maybe even a clever tag that sums up the movie premise. But does Mystic River’s “We bury our sins, we wash them clean” even hold a candle to those of yesteryear?

I think not.

Take a classic like The Violators. I mean look at the size of the tagline on that thing. That’s a two-part, double-XXL monster in All Caps-O-Vision with an italics chaser: “TEENAGERS ON PAROLE! TOO YOUNG TO KNOW BETTER — TOO HARD TOO CARE!

Lost in Translation tells me quietly, “Everyone wants to be found.” Not when I have The Blob hot on my trail: “INDESCRIBABLE... INDESTRUCTIBLE! NOTHING CAN STOP IT!”

Or maybe you wanted a nice, peaceful sojourn in the wine country of Sideways with “A story about friendship and pinot envy.” Notice again the current trend of using the passive-aggressive lower case in the tag. Well, I don’t think so, not with Death Race 2000 staring you down, because “IN THE YEAR 2000, HIT AND RUN ISN’T A CRIME, IT’S THE NATIONAL SPORT!

Now that’s crafty wordcrafting people.

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Another reason to hate Starbucks.

If, of course, you’re one of the people who do. If you’re not, then Starbucks keeps the holidays going with a website called It’s Red Again geared around different holiday traditions. Send them your particular tradition, and a guy in suit with pink sneakers and curly hair will act it out, or something like that.

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Friday, December 29, 2006

Lower my creative rating, part 2.

Well, they have stretch Hummers, so why not a stretch German Sheppard. Isn’t there a law against ads like this being allowed to run? Even laughs at it.


Steve Jobbed me – a brand in distress.

Steve. Steve, Steve. I treat you like a son. I buy the Macs, download songs from iTunes at .99¢ per, buy the stock, write some nice posts about you – all of it. And this is how you repay me? That’s the shit Martha Stewart pulls. Gotta call it both ways, and right now, that looks pretty fucked up. Hey Martha Jobs, get yer shit together. Here’s what you do: Come clean and do the mea culpa thing. (Worked for Mel, always works for Britney, and even Michael Richa..., well, him, not so much). Then, get back to work on that damn iPhone. Before Gates comes out with the MyShoePhone.

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“Look, Maree-uh...

...You have to belief me. I vuz not looking at za udda woman, (much), when I hit za tree. It just jumped, you know, out at me. Trees do that you know. Whut whuz I supposed to do?”

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Final free Ricky Gervais podcast.

Download it along with the first two soon as they won’t be around much longer.

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Tell Ford about your dreams.

Well, I dream that one day women in commercials at the drive-up cleaners will stop paying for the potential serial murderer in the car behind them. Until then? Hafta settle for learning how to do stand-up, make a documentary and releasing a CD, among many other things. Lincoln has a site up with various experts from different industries offering advice on following those dreams, and it sure is ambitious. (I think I even saw a how-to on producing a Wal-Mart lion ad.) Good intentions, but I just wish it was less a laundry list of the obvious and more substance on the practicall skills needed to make those dreams happen.

Two ads lead you there. One’s generic and one targets the garage band crowd, offering tips on how to make your own CD. (There’s probably ads for the other professions out as well I would guess.) As for this particular one, thing is, most bands and solo musicians already know how to do that if they have even half a clue. I just wonder how much of a disconnect there is between a shiny new car and a band who can probably only afford to drive a POS van on their tour through Wisconsin. Seems to go against the notion of most bands scraping by on very little, let alone having enough money for rent.

(For my Ford money, I think the tie-in they did with the Hurra Torpedo rock-moc was a Bolder Move for both band and brand. If you haven’t seen those guys, check them out. Stomp meets Spinal Tap.)

Only other thing I might have done a little different would be to get a few more well-known people offering advice. For example, I’m into independent film, so I knew the director of Primer from the movie how-to section, but I’m betting not many others will. And as for stand-up comics? Was Bobcat too busy to call? Oh wait. Need funny people. I forgot.

Anyway, check it out. See what you think.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Vote for NFL CPG* Super Bowl spots.

(*Couch Potato Generated.) Check out the 12 finalists for the NFL’s Suber Bowl ad contest here. Not bad, but I would’ve loved to see what didn’t make the cut in an All-American Idol kinda way. That’s why I watch that damn show anyway, for the trainwrecks.

Anyway, there are three spots that seem the most solid, although none seem to hit on all cylinders. (Promoting the NFL Super Bowl, its heritage and other things the brief mentioned.) This feels not so much like the best spots as it does, the ones that didn’t suck. My nod goes to pitches No. 2, 3 and a tug at the emotions in No. 12.

I think they come closest to hitting the mark for the contest. The rest would make really good beer commericals and maybe even good general NFL spots. Worth checking out just to see pitch technique. Admittedly, because these Joes aren’t pros, some mistakes are to be expected. One idea. One shot in front of the client. That’s pressure. Still, it was worth seeing how, as long as your idea is solid, it’ll come through all the stutters and misreads.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Forget Riverdance.

We have the people’s glorious “Capsules of uranium hexaflouride a.k.a. UF6 gas” dance.

I couldn’t make this up if I tried.... (via Drudge)


Friday, December 22, 2006

Holiday stuff from Fox and me.

Signing off until X-mas with a nice little holiday spoof of 24 via Right Hand Chow, produced by Fox. So everyone chill. Drink, no drive. And in your last minute rush to buy stuff you forgot – or didn’t get to yet like me – drop something in the Salvation Army pail outside stores.

Don’t walk by and pretend you’re broke, or try and pull the fake ‘pat yourself down while shrugging your shoulders routine.’ Nice try. Give something up, especially for the people who have to freeze their asses off ringing that bell. Ok, maybe not in Texas or California, but you get the point.

Until then, have a good one Logo freaks.

Godzilla Building.

This? This might actually work. They have King Kong billboard trucks, so why not a building shaped like Godzilla? Why didn’t I think of this. Ok, I had the idea for Mothra Airlines, but this is better. Also, check out some of the funny comments in the thread at Ironic Sans, via czeltic girl.

Celebrity meltdown time.

Just when I thought it was going to be a slow week. She’s either impersonating Trump, or from the looks of the picture, Anna Nicole - the before Anna Nicole. Not sure which. Screw it. Who wants pie trainwreck? ...(via Drudge)

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Trade up with Grolsch.

Nice little spot called One Green Bottle for Grolsch, from an agency called Bookmark in the Netherlands. Thought it was going to parody the site where you trade something of a lower value for something of a higher one until you get a house or something, but the payoff is nice, if a little expected. It’s also nice to see an agency call it what it is: an online film, not a slickly produced spot masquerading as a ‘viral.’

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Save the Fat Man.

Ok, I fell for it. Where else can you see hanged elves though? From ID Branding.


12 or so things that bothered me this year.

It’s kinda like the 12 days of Christmas, only, not. More like, a baker’s dozen of misery:

1) The guy to the left doing play-by-play for any NFL game. Stick to reports on jockeys who need to keep their weight down.

2) Cellphones + drivers.

3) Chillabrations, ‘Fash’-ons and anything blinged, pimped or ‘phat’-ted.

4) No Geico cavemen sitcom.

5) Non-drunk racist celebrities who aren’t really racist.

6) Drunk racist celebrities who aren’t really racist.

7) Drunk with power world leaders.

8) Change agents, rock stars not named Slash and new media cheerleaders.

9) Realizing that typing a long-ass name like ‘makethelogobigger’ really bites every time you make a comment at someone else’s blog.

10) The only thing worse is if you ever had to write it out on a fake blog.

11) Lists.

12) Not enough Gary Busey or Danny Bonaduce in reality shows. Ever.

13) Jared. Ever.

Got any of your own?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Cingular: more escape clauses in more places.

Consumerist has info on a new text message rate increase which will allow users of most Cingular plans to terminate their contracts early without the dreaded ETF (early termination fee). Check it out here. And if the cellphone industry didn’t make you crazy enough, check out Ben Popkin’s interview with an unnamed Cingular rep who talks about all the ways they try and keep you hooked. Yes, they really do think we’re sheep. Oh, and in keeping with the typical brand habit of naming its logo, the Cingular icon is called Jack. (Hat tip to Jo.)

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Congress asks for additional 99.7 billion for Iraq war.

My math may be a little fuzzy after the diet I was on, but I didn’t think one nuke cost that much. Also nice to know if we’re ever overrun by Al Qaeda’s infamous bunny-riding dart frogs, we have an ally standing by....(via Drudge)

Tagged and bagged.

Sir FishNChimps has chosen yours truly to take part in his little pyramid scheme, chain letter game of fun. I list five facts about myself, then tag five other bloggers to join in. But like Calhoun Tubbs once said, ‘Lemmee put my ending on it.’

Here are six things, but one of them is false:

1) Stabbed myself in the head when I was seven with an X-acto knife.

2) Ran into the very short Denny Crane William Shatner in an LA elevator.

3) Can recite Hamlet’s third soliloquy in less than :58 seconds.

4) The firearms company started by my old man made the gun used by the Son of Sam on his little rampage.

5) I hate, and I mean fucking hate, the Grateful Dead.

6) Presented a TV show idea to E! Entertainment, was told “No thanks, won’t ever work.” Then saw the exact same show on air six months later with only a one word change to the title.

And my five suckers, victims bloggers?

1) Freelance Fred. Because it’s so rare to give something back to Aunt Mary.

2) Market my monkey. A chimp and monkey belong together.

3) Gimme your stuff. Rikki needs more stuff to do.

4) Scott at Media Orchard. Because I can.

5) American Copywriter. Because KC is just so fucking far away to make Coffee Morning Fridays right now, this post will have to suffice as a meet and greet.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rock on with Epiphone.

After the missed opportunity for the Playstation Guitar Hero II video game spot to be so much cooler, here’s one that’s pretty cool from Epiphone. People passing on the ‘groove’ as it were from neighbor to neighbor. Love the end payoff with the old guy, but the logo and branding treatment at the end seems a bit too much. (They might’ve instead shot a close-up of an Epiphone logo tattooed on his arm.) Still, pretty cool spot. Check out the simply named ‘2006 Epiphone Commercial here under their d-load section.

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I really have no words for this.

The worst Christmas gift ever.

I just got it in the mail. And I love it. No, not the procedure. A brochure for the procedure. This time next week, many of us will be in shock over similar gifts that we’ll receive. Perhaps even remembering back to the worst gifts we got from previous years that still occupy a special place in our hearts. You know the place. Where childhood memories of things like clowns die hard.

For this is the realm of gifts from Aunt Mary. Oh, everyone has one. The aunt who has no clue when it comes to picking out gifts, or worse - she has a clue and just doesn’t care? This is her time of year people. Your disdain is the wind beneath her wings.

I give you Aunt Mary Nation. Rejoice.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Movie reviews: Thank You For Wearing Prada.

Ok, two more movies I wanted to comment on, since my poll showed that’s why you really come here. Actually, a promotion company sent me a screener and asked me to check out The Devil Wears Prada and give my 2¢, so I said ok. (Thank You For Smoking was one I saw some time ago and wanted to mention also.) So, it’s two-for-one time people.

Like Smoking, Prada is adapted from a best-selling novel and is a snapshot of the entire fashion publishing world and features the egomaniacal boss from hell we’ve all worked for at some point. And I think that’s where it works best. But when you focus in on the individual stories, it’s there you go off in different directions and there where I think the parts bring down the whole. That’s when it felt like it wanted to be part coming-of-age-story, chick-flick, boss-from-hell tale and fashion exposé.

The main character Andy Sachs played by Anne Hathaway goes from girl-next-door plain to stunning fashion maven in a snap but still tries to maintain her integrity, akin to the premise of Working Girl. Oddly, she kept reverting back and forth between the two worlds from that point though. Meryl Streep as The Devil is awesome as usual. She is as dismissive with a single look as any actor working. Then there’s the solid Stanley Tucci as the smug second-in-command director of design and fashion, (even though he’s killing me on Cingular).

The art department parts are all there. The costume selections. The last-minute clean-up madness when clients and/or the boss arrives. But it felt clean. Too clean and staged at times. I’m more of a verite guy. Hand-held doc, real-life feel. I couldn’t help while watching Devil but compare it to some other great fashion movies: Altman’s brilliant Prêt-à-Porter or the overlooked doc Unzipped. And Devil does have moments like that. Streep dismissing ideas from her underlings rivals Mizrahi in real life. Streep in Paris at the main fashion show rivals Altman’s ‘conversations overheard’ style of shooting.

And as for being the worst boss of all time bit? Well, she is rude and egomaniacal for sure. Maybe she needs to be that in that world. Fashion is usually the result of a singular vision. Whether it’s the designer showing his new line, or the editor who controls the entire fall edition of a magazine, one person has the final say.

All others are there to serve. Advertising is far more collaborative. Client and CD have the final say of course, but certainly, more team work and expression of ideas goes into the initial creation and process than the world of fashion allows.

I still have a problem when the producer, director and writer on the DVD extras pat each other on the back for bringing a woman with power to the screen without acknowledging how she uses that power to belittle and dehumanize people. Especially because of her own personal shortcomings and justifying it further with ‘if a man did this, he’d get a high-five.’

Uh, no. If you’re an a-hole as a boss, doesn’t matter what gender you are, you’re still an a-hole. That behaviour is no less acceptable. But regardless, we’ve all been there. As good as Streep is though, and for all her stares and degrading comments, Kevin Spacey in Swimming with Sharks is still the gold standard for the boss from hell.

It’s worth renting, but I’d also check out the other films linked here as well, because those are the whole movies the individual parts of Prada want to be when they grow up.

Thank You For Smoking is already all growed up. It’s far more relevant to advertising as a look at the PR game and the lobbying that goes on for pretty much everything that made this country: guns, alcohol and tobacco. From writer/director Jason Reitman (yeah, Ivan’s son), it’s a must-see for anyone in the PR game.

Aaron Eckhart’s Nick Naylor is as convincing a shill for Big Tobacco and lobbyist as you’ll find brought to the big screen. I dismissed him after In the Company of Men, but he really surprised me here. Gotta love a PR guy who says “Michael Jordan plays ball. Charles Manson kills people. I talk. Everyone has a talent.”

While totally fiction, Smoking semi-mockingly hits the same topic that the far more serious film ‘The Insider’ does, and does it here without losing any punch.

The thing is, although he’s ultimately tormented about what he does, Naylor’s resolved to being the best at his profession. Think Jerry Maguire with a pack of Kools. Naylor has no shame in tearing apart a kindergarten class when discussing what he does for a living in the same breath that he would a US senator on the dangers of cheese from the senator’s home state being worse than the dangers of smoking.

Some other things worth noting are Rob Lowe as Jeff Megall, the slickest, most conniving Hollywood producer I’ve seen. Worth renting just to hear how he puts deals together. (Although not quite as good as Alec Baldwin’s five minutes in Glengarry Glen Ross, his character is right up there.) Here he is describing ways to get tobacco placement in films:

Jeff Megall
: Sony has a futuristic sci-fi movie they’re looking to make.
Nick Naylor: Cigarettes in space?
JM: It’s the final frontier, Nick.
NN: But wouldn’t they blow up in an all oxygen environment?
JM: Probably. But it’s an easy fix. One line of dialogue. ‘Thank God we invented the... you know, whatever device.’

There are also the priceless discussions Naylor has with his other axis of evil lobbyists from alcohol and firearms. And also, a nice use of graphic icons and film technique to occassionally accent scenes, like Tarantino used in Pulp Fiction (Travolta/Uma before going into the restaurant on their date Kitty Kat). both. But I think Smoking is the stronger, more unified film.

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Monday, December 18, 2006

We need more John 3:16 guys.

You remember him. Field goal attempt or a point after. Rollen Stewart, the John 3:16 guy was a staple on our living room screens. Besides the familiar ‘John 3:16’ every Sunday, what else has there really been in terms of fan technology to give us hope? The wave? Feh. I say in this age when players leave the bench to sucker punch other players, or leave the field to go into the stands to sucker punch fans, let us harken back to something that eschews all this violence. Back to the day when all you needed was a rainbow wig, a sign and a dream.

Bring back the Rainbow Man. (What’s that? He’s serving life for attempted kidnapping?)


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The UFC or the NBA?

The Knicks should’ve been fined for the way they’ve been playing, not fighting.

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That’s to all my Swedish friends who may stop by. Thanks to DaBitch over at AdLand who was kind enough to mention this here blog among a list of ad blogs in resume, the equvalent of adage/adweek over there. As for more Svenska? ‘Hej’ is about all the Swedish I remember from my stint at a Swedish agency. That, and an obession with Pepparkakor and vodka. A lot of it.

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Quick, KITT, hit the gas!

How many lives could have been saved, we’ll never know.

Found: one bizarre photo. Needed: something else. So...came across a story here behind the original idea for the Knight Rider series that talks about the idal version of the show, which, with its concept of limited dialogue, could actually be a cool concept in the knight right scriptwriter’s hands today:

“Brandon Tartikoff once gave California magazine this version of the creation of Knight Rider: It seems he and one of his assistants were discussing the problems of casting handsome leading men in the series, because many of them can’t act. Why not have a series, he mused, called “The Man of Six words,” which would begin with the guy getting out of a woman’s bed and saying “Thank You.” Then he would chase down some villians and say “Freeze!” Finally the grateful almost-vitims would thank him, and he would murmur, “You’re welcome.” End of show. In between, the car could do the talking.

And the rest is Baywatch history. As an aside, the Weinstein Brothers are apparently bringing KITT to the big screen. Lemmee guess, the Hoff will now be the voice of KITT and Ben Stiller will play....?

Be afraid.

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Monty Python lives.

Sorta. If you remember the quirky Quiznos campaign, you can check out more of the same work from Joel Veitch, the songwriter/animator behind it at Rathergood. Be prepared to go “what the...?” as you check out the Python-influenced animated songs on the left side of the site. I had originally wandered there from b3ta, another site full of funky stuff, after reading a story by fishnchimps about the possible ripping off of his stuff by Coke.

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Have a Twisted non-denominational holiday.

In case you wanna rock with Dee Synder and the gang this holiday season, here you go. Once again, myspace giving Second Life to oh, pretty much everyone from William Shatner to, um, William Shatner.

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

It’s fruitcake review time.

Consumerist points to a site that rates the evil fruitcake. And yes, apparently there’s more than just one out there. All pay heed. Now, just need an eggnog blog to go along with it.

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“Look, tonight, I wanna be Nicole. You’re Paris.”

Wonder what the swag’s like at one of these conferences. ‘It Never Happened’ mousepads maybe?

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Go Elf Yourself.

From OfficeMax. Although the flash is kinda slow. It’s like the Cingular dancing ringtone thing. That worked better because, well, like an elf, it was smaller. Check it out here.

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My eyes hurt.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wal-Mart’s Rock Star/Change agent.

Please. Fucking Slash is a rock star. Change agent? Here. Break a ten. I got laundry to do.

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Why on Earth do you read this blog?

Because I’m all about consumer-generated anything, and because I also love focus groups, take two seconds and let me know just why it is you spend your employer’s hard-earned retainer reading MTLB. (You can choose more than one answer.)

Why on Earth do you read this blog?
Art director rants leading in 10 directions.
Unique funky ads/virals/videos from odd places.
Rehashed ads/virals/videos found on Adrants/Adfreak/etc.
Tech tips, Mac tips, etc.
Cool designers/musicians I find.
Political satire/rants.
Book reviews/movie reviews & marketing talk.
Current trends in media/culture/celebrities.
George Parker “FUCK” references.

33 Names of Things You Never Knew had Names.

I knew none. ...(via Buzz Patrol)

Always Tip the Pizza Man.

Some light reading to go with the pizza I still can’t have for another week. (By the way, who doesn’t tip the pizza guy?) And it is in that holiday spirit that I bring you, Pizza Man Tip warning:

“Only an enormous jerk would not tip the delivery person. And I mean "enormous" as in gargantuan. Vasty. The kind of massive jerk that is in imminent danger of undergoing gravitational collapse under his own jerky great jerk weight. Seriously, non-tippers are Galactus-sized fucksticks.

Non-tippers, see if you can muster up a few crumbs of human empathy and read of the tribulations of a humble Pizza guy. MN's very own City Pages happens to have one who blogs:

Then repent of your nugatory ways! Repent! ”

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hey, you know what they say... takes a village.

Dept. of Defense takes aim on drinking problem.

Oh this has to be a government campaign. Confusing. Overly-complicated. Probably costs 10x the usual campaign. I think it’s a great idea to target the problem of binge drinking, but boy do you have to work to find the message in this campaign called That Guy from the Department of Defense. As the previous beer-filled car campaign showed, associating alcohol abuse and humor is dicey at best.

Some of the other things that bother me are the lack of focus on women, as if only guys have drinking problems? And the site has a ‘Fun Stuff’ section, trying to make light of it. If this is supposed to be targeted toward military servicemen, then it needs to be more direct with no bullshit, certainly less whimsical. Doesn’t seem to fit the more straightforward tone of current military advertising, especially when talking about a serious problem like this.

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Christmas Trees Being Returned to Seattle Airport.

Never mess with Holiday Display Palette.


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Monday, December 11, 2006

Classic McDonald’s TV spot.

No, it’s not a new viral from Crispin. It’s an old spot via LiveLeak. And yes, they all used to look like that with gigantor side arches. Although Ronald is about as creepy as Dr. Angus.

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I don’t think so.

In an effort to always push the envelope, because that’s what I do and that’s the zone I live in, I’m going to collect stories from time to time that just may not be a good idea.

NY Critics Pick ‘UNITED 93’ As Best Film... Uh, no. Sentimental, touching and emotional. Nice doc feel. Best though? I don’t think so. (via Drudge)

Texas Bill: Let Blind Hunters Use Lasers... Uh, I don’t think so squared.
(via Drudge)

Save the OC. Uh, no. Let it die.
(via Buzz Patrol)

Mike Ditka’s Bear Cheese. Love the coach but there will be no bear, let alone any Ditka in my cheese.
(via Junk Food Blog)

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Some cool Yule, and some not.

First the cool: Target has a 1/4 page ad running across four spreads for a Moby/Tony Bennett remix of ‘I’ll Be Home for Christmas.’ (Not their best work, but it’s ok.) The ad format has the whole song written out along with artist sketches leading to the last page with a url to download the song for free here. The Target/Yahoo page also lets you also remix your own version with a free downloadable GarageBand file. (Mac only PC bitches). Pretty cool giveaway for the holidays.

Then there’s the not-so cool: Land’s End has a version of a holiday song from hell called ‘Hi Santa.’ Go here, listen and try and stop your ears from bleeding. I’m gonna go listen to Crispin Glover’s CD.

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Hefty raises leftovers threat level to purple.

Not sure if if this is great association to have with a brand or not. It was an ad on Travelocity that displayed while I was booking a flight. I’m a big fan of grabbing mindshare wherever you can, but this just felt creepy.

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Denomination-neutral Holiday Display Palette 1.0 released.

Put Santa on it. The Star of David. Whatever religion you want! Holiday Display Palette™ 1.0 is flexible! Order two, three or even more and embrace the entire neighborhood by representing all religions and faiths. It’s also weather-resistant and protest-resistant. No fear of passing Rabbis calling the town council. Christians, tired of the mere mention of the word Kwanzaa? I bet you are. No problem. The HDP™ lets you go all-Santa, all the time in the privacy of your own backyard. And, its durable religion-neutral, all-wood construction means you’ll enjoy years of worry-free Holiday celebration, no matter what your faith. Its compact size stores easily too.

ARE PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR FUCKING MINDS? Maybe it’s this diet I’m on, (I want pizza so bad I can’t see straight), but what the hell happened to Christmas, or whatever it is we call it now? Christmas trees banned in Seattle airport now? I have a novel idea. Instead of being exclusionary and banning public displays, why not celebrate the diversity of faiths and religions and have all denominations featured in public.

Isn’t that what this country is about? Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hanukkah, etc. All of us in this mess together? What’s next, banning the fucking color red? Otherwise, why not just have the HDP™ or an empty box on display. That way, nobody gets offended, and we all go on our merry* way and live happy, Safe 2.0 lives. Have a happy holiday. Go with palette.

*The use of merry in this context in no way implies an endorsement of the phrase ‘Merry Christmas’ nor should it be construed as such. Please see your local church, mosque or temple for details.

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Saturday, December 9, 2006

Knock The Hustle.

Little late in getting some reviews done. Sue me. Knock The Hustle is the latest book I’ve been meaning to write up. Truth be told, my ADD kicks in and I end up starting a bunch of books and not finishing any. Apologies to Hadji, but it just takes me a long time to read books these days.

So of course, as I usually say: read this book. (Sorry, I’m pass-fail like that. I either like something or I don’t.) Billed as a way to save your job and your life from corporate America, Knock The Hustle offers another great POV on the advertising world. That’s what I like about the books I’ve reviewed on advertising, each has its own unique voice and perspective.

Knock has a couple of really nice themes in it. For me, the main one has to be the focus on ethics and morals. It’s the only book I’ve read that does so, especially to this degree, and it’s something schools need to teach, not just more of, but teach in the first place.

From the get, this book chronicles Hadji Williams rise to the advertising world from the streets of Chicago, another common theme throughout. He likes to say game recognizes game. Well, it does. We are in the business of selling, summed up nicely:

“This is how we do; this is how we breath; this is how we live. Birds fly; cheetahs run fast; we sell.”

And there are a lot of hustlers trying to sell us on things.

This is a solid book on the personalities you meet in advertising, ones who parallel those Hadji knew coming up on the streets. I would definitely recommend this book to all students for that reason alone. It’s almost like the National Audubon Field Guide to Spotting Assholes, because they are ALL here. And so are the good guys. The ones who work their ass off only to be passed over time after time.

The other thing you notice is how much God informs so much of Hadji’s approach to life. That’s not a knock, just sayin. It’s refreshing. Not many people reveal things like that in business. The small passages from the Bible that end each chapter serve to highlight the writing that preceded it. As do the rap lyrics at the beginning of each chapter. It’s clear Hadji knows both worlds, and both worlds greatly affect where he’s coming from.

You also can’t read this either without seeing how much of a problem race is in the advertising world and how much that affected his life as well. If diversity hearings and the other articles around now raising awareness about race issues aren’t enough, Hadji lays it down from his perspective.

All the meetings where he was brought in to make campaigns more ‘urban’ (read: more black). Don’t think this book is Hadji goin’ off on a militant revolution. If you think it doesn’t happen, you probably have no clue. Happens. All. The. Time. I’ve been in those meetings.

If it makes you happy, forget race. Forget issues of religion. This book stands on its own as a map through the minefield of office politics. Will you remain unscathed in that world? Probably not, none of use do. But you’ll have a far better chance of survival if you know what to look out for.

You can order the book through Amazon here and also reach Hadji at his site here.

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Friday, December 8, 2006


Hello McFly. There are a few Logo freaks, who, like myself, find ourselves fans of another freak – Crispin Glover. Bizarre. Intriguing. A car wreck you can’t turn away from. (As if you need proof beyond his movie roles, check out his cover of These Boots Are Made For Walking.)

And if he was an agency? Well, he’d be Cripsin+Glover. The far-out work coming from both is the same, right? Why not just rename it. I’m moving it to the floor for a vote. Seconds?

Now, I just have to find somewhere Gary Busey fits in. Maybe Goodby?

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Charlie don’t surf.

Remember that this holiday season and you’ll be fine.

The Cone of Gates.

James Bond. Still cool after all these years. Cool gadgets. Sleek design. Works most every time.

Started also thinking how much like Apple the 007 franchise is. Cool gadgets. Sleek design. Works every time.

And how would Microsoft come to life on the big screen? It wouldn’t. It’d only make it to TV as Get Smart. Think about it.

Apple is: cool products that are easy to use and out of the way until you need them. Microsoft is well, none of those things generally. (Zune notwithstanding), but who else but Bill Gates could invent the Cone of Silence? The shoe phone? An organization named KAOS?

An entrance to headquarters requiring you to go through 26 doors, the end at which, you drop through the floor. Hymie the robot is tech support. Talk about art imitating life.

Naw. Gimme Bond and his one-touch ejector seat any day of the week. Because you know Jobs invented a device which allows James to land wrinkle-free with iPod in one hand, martini in the other.

His 007ness perhaps shaken, but not stirred.

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